The bad and the good

I read in your issue on December 8 that one of our Mayoral candidates, Peter Blundell, cannot be as fully aware as he makes out as to the feelings of the residents in the small communities, as one of the most  forgotten and underfunded villages in the Council Region, namely Pratten, does not get a mention. I wonder if you know we exist, not many votes from this region Peter.
Also in the same issue a very sensible and compelling story by town planner Jamie Mackenzie about the troubles amalgamation has caused and the pressing need for regional divisions to bring fair representation back for the small communities, good on you Jamie, someone with common sense at last.
I wrote to your paper earlier in the year about regional divisions, and until we are granted this most basic of all rights, villages like Pratten will be forgotten, continue to be treated like a third world banana republic, choke on the suffocating dust from unpaved streets and put up with not much in the progress department from the rates derived from this village.

Bob Holt,