Big business forces small business out

Why on earth does the Government encourage businesses and small business sole traders to move west when there are so few jobs out here?
They, the Government, support companies or families to  re-establish and start a business, however, they do not give any assistance to “sole traders”. Small business owners have to find a way to pack-up, find a new frontier and set up again from nothing in a strange new land where business is not easy to make a living in the country, with country people who all stick together.
We are so far behind Brisbane and only two hours away. Little opportunity and  if you call coal mining and gas seam mining an opportunity for employment, I say, “go eat your money, eat that $100 note.”
How stupid we are not to pursue new energy  100 per cent. Polluted water = poisoned food. Polluted air = dead people and sickness.
Donna Nevin