
Tenterfield Council, like all councils, is elected to govern for the good of the people; and it does this by setting procedures that council administration must adhere to. Unfortunately many councillors seem to think they are working for the good of the Tenterfield administration.
That shows up clearly in the current landfill debacle. Whilst some councillors are trying to sort out the mess; the other councillors seem to think it is taboo to criticise the administration, which is making such a mess – pardon the pun.
They do not seem to realise strong, logical decisions are required. As a former semi senior bureaucrat I have offered some advice in regard to the land fills and in return was told it would be acted upon, only to discover later that it has not been acted upon.
Only one answer! Get rid of those senior staff that are not performing; and those councillors who are protecting them need to get their ethics right, or be voted out at the next elections.

Jack Clarke