Real Australians reject a republic

Why is it that the extremely vocal republican minority seem to believe that they hold a monopoly on Australian patriotism? How is it that those who seek to fundamentally alter our national identity and abandon almost 224 years of Australian history consider themselves more patriotic than those of us who love, uphold and seek to defend our Australian Heritage?
Patriotism is the love of one’s country, and our country is, and always has been, a Monarchy. Our Australian flag is the flag of Royal Australia. Although republicans claim to love Australia, the “Australia” which they speak of does not exist, and their hatred for the Australia which does exist is far more apparent than their supposed love for an entirely mythological “republic”.
Real Australians, however, are not ashamed of Australia. True Australians are loyal to the Queen and the nation, love and support the Australian flag, and respect Australian History. We honour our God. We serve our Queen. We salute our flag. We love Australia. Considering the definition of patriotism, it is quite obvious who the real Australian patriots are. Hatred is unhealthy, and love always prevails.
Australia Day is fast approaching, when we celebrate the 224th anniversary of the establishment of the Kingdom of Australia. For the love of our country, let us be rid of this ridiculous republican nonsense once and for all, and stand together as one proud and patriotic people. God save Australia, and God save the Queen!

Steven Harrison