Overseas sellout

Audacious, repugnant, venal – three Australian banking institutes and Telstra, that grew out of old Telecom and before that other incarnations in Australian history, are now willfully and mercenarily going offshore to operate call centres in Asia.
I write as a lay person, not particularly numerate or a financial wizard, but I write with disdain for what I see as a corporate sellout of the country where these institutions have made, and continue to make their money, from their own seminal beginnings ages ago into huge fiscal conglomerates; making money off the sheer hard work, toil, enterprise, acumen, innovation and thrift of the Australian populace in the past, the present and future.
These corporations act within their own self-serving interest and cartels, extracting maximum monetary gain, but sending employment overseas to Asian call centre structures, thus depriving our own people of employment, and the consequent deployment of the salaries back into our spending infrastructures and stratas.
This is disgraceful and the Government of the day within Australia should repeal this in whatever way it can before all our financial acumen and also, and incidentally, manufacturing goes offshore.
One can also rest assured that the executive salaries of these national banking and our own national telecommunication operator, will no doubt always leap incrementally forward. One can bet their bottom dollar on this.
I have always believed in this great country, an egalitarian and open society offering freedom of speech, thought, worship, multi-culturalism and offering so much to those prepared to work, to innovate, invent and adapt. Let’s all continue to put back into the wonderful opportunities that this country offers, not take away and deprive for corporate greed.

Conrad Blakeman
Wyberba Valley