Buy Aussie made, but how?

I went to the BuyAustralianMade site last week and jotted down quite a number of items that I would be inclined to buy. Sadly, I was disappointed when I went to my local supermarket and found only three of those items on the shelves. One of the items that I buy is goat’s milk; however, it comes from NZ. I would buy in the vicinity of 8-12 lt per fortnight. Maybe I’ll have to find a local goat farm and see if I can buy direct. Custard is another item that I buy consistently, however, to get one that does not contain imported ingredients, is not loaded down with sugar, is gluten, wheat, etc free and is Aussie made, is nigh on impossible to find.
Unfortunately, when I spoke to a floor person and told him that just so many items have imported ingredients in them, he said, sadly, the situation is getting worse, not better. Even when my hubby and I go to our local auto store, most of the items are from overseas.
The local consumer cannot be totally to blame for not buying Aussie made, if the stores, irrespective what the item might be, can’t or won’t stock them.

Tracy Binskin