Simplistic stereotyping dilutes message

GH Gilmore (Letters, Free Times, Feb 16) makes a valid point concerning the pitfalls of unfettered capitalism as seen in the USA and, to a lesser extent, in this country. It was, therefore, somewhat unfortunate that the message was then diluted by the simplistic stereotyping of Australian politics.
However the letter did remind me of the following written by a Shepparton journalist in 1889 describing the character of John Furphy of water tank fame:
“A man who succeeds in business because from his honesty, attention, and natural aptitude he has inspired his fellow men with confidence in his integrity, does more good for himself, for those around him, and for the town in which he lives, than could be possibly done by any number of men who live for the sole purpose of amassing wealth.”
With the addition of “and power” at the end and broadening the scope to encompass all of Australia, this little gem highlights the extraordinary deficiencies of our most senior politicians and many of our corporate chiefs.

J R Goodwin