No need to fear

Leonie Miller (Free Times, 23/02/12) says that free speech frees the soul, however a truly free market place of ideas should not fear Christian evangelising as is the case in some nations today.
Unfortunately Leonie, like many atheists, criticises Christianity with little personal understanding of its claims, such as that ‘all’ people are sinners as a result of mankind’s denial of God’s place in their lives, ie at the top. Also outwardly loving and helping others as well as religious activity can be carried out purely for self gratification rather than reflecting a change of heart and mind toward God.
Additionally, if heaven exists, logically hell exists, as one cannot spend eternity with the one (God) they have spent a life time denying and if heaven is merely our own handiwork on earth in this existence, it is a temporary condition that ends with everybody death and sadness. A hopeless state and certainly not eternal life.
Furthermore, Leonie incorrectly assumes that because some scholars have conveniently pieced together selective facts, that therefore the Bible has been debunked. However when ‘all’ the known facts of science, history and archaeology are taken into account the Bible suddenly becomes a very reliable book indeed. Certainly more reliable than Darwin’s work, The Origin of Species in which his assumptions of 1859 become more unlikely with each passing year of new knowledge.

Jamie Bath