All about timing

I wish to reply to a letter written by Peter B Harmond in the last edition of your paper.
As a councillor I would not normally comment on such matters, however while his statements are more than reasonably accurate his timing of many events need to be noted.
Most of the major problems of this existing council, Sept 2008 to Sept 2012, were created during the previous administration, 2005 until Sept 2008 where there was a period where many decisions ended up a disaster.
Such as the investment of ratepayers money in Lehman Bros where the final payout will carry over to the new council after Sept 2012 with accumulated loses by then being more than $2.5 million dollars, plus lost interest and lost legal fees and commissions.
Then the council in 2005 handing over the rights of the community to the Health Department on the decision to introduce sodium fluoride to the water supply of Urbenville and Tenterfield. This was after a poll in 2005 that showed 78 per cent of the community voted against sodium fluoride. This will possibly be turned on at the start of the new council after Sept 2012.
Next, as Peter Harmond noted is the failed industrial estate being over budget and on part borrowed money. This decision was also made during the previous administration and will also carry over to the next council after Sept 2012 to resolve and pay off and hopefully sell.
For councillors like myself and Phil Yates this term has been difficult to make changes as many councillors from 2005 who are in the majority and who introduced the above matters are still here today, defending those decisions.
My reply is not a quote on council policy but a calendar of events.

Councillor Lawrie West