Back to the future

Bob Carr! Who would ever have thought of it that an ex-Premier of NSW would be appointed to the Senate, and to boot, take on the Foreign Affairs portfolio. A few hours in politics is a long time and great decisions can be made with long lasting consequences.
It is a certainty that she who is PM and who vacates the House of Reps when the questioning gets too hot will not lead the ALP to the next election. The ALP knows that there is no way they can win an election with Julia at the helm.
It was a stroke of master genius to bring Carr into the Senate. Rudd never had the numbers to safely challenge Julia. The scenario that we saw develop in the hours after Julia’s decisive win against Rudd would have had to been foreordained. The power brokers wanted Carr all along and now it is obvious why there was such a media scrum to have Rudd challenge Julia for the top job … and lose.
At the appropriate time Julia will be dumped as PM and Carr will take her place and ALP hopefuls will try their hardest to win the next election with smooth talking Bob Carr at the helm.
What a master stroke of genius this has been.

Jay Nauss