Here it comes again

Here we go again, Don Campbell going on about Oakeshott’s and Windsor’s support of the Gillard government.
Get over it Don, Abbott was so inept after the last federal election that he couldn’t convince two genuine Independents of his worth as against that of a tainted and bewildered Labor Party (even I admit that) and he continues to show opportunistic behaviour inside and outside the parliament.
True, the country is the poorer because of Julia’s ‘integrity issues’ and the ego of one K. Rudd, but I shudder to think what it would be like under Abbott who makes me feel decidedly queasy about what Catholic beliefs I still hold.
If the Liberals – surely an arch-Conservative joke that I fail to get – replaced Abbott with the more thoughtful Turnbull (or even a drover’s dog) they’d have more credibility but until such time as they have the wisdom and courage to do that, or until the next Federal Election is decided, Don, give it a rest.
And don’t get me started on ‘cheap political stunts’, Abbott’s catalogue would make our phone book look decidedly puny if it were ever printed.

Mike Feeney