Unfair payments

I refer you to the front page news in last week’s newspaper regarding the settlement made to Mr John Randall.
Quite frankly, I am not interested in why he was sacked, nor why it was found to have been an ‘unfair dismissal’, but what concerns me is that the ‘out of court’ settlement must remain confidential. Surely the monies spent by Southern Downs Region, after all they are the product of the rates paid by the residents, and as such surely they should be accountable.
We have been advised that the recipient, Mr John Randall and his solicitor requested the confidentiality. Why? Are they embarrassed at having received such funds? As ratepayers, we feel that we should be advised of the cost to the ratepayer of any transactions should we request such information.
One wonders just how many ‘confidential payments’ are made throughout the year and how they are hidden in the budget and accounts. Mr Randall indicated that he had been encouraged to stand for council at the next elections – should he decide to do so, would he be willing to advise the electors just how much he received and why he considered it should remain confidential? Further, if he should stand and be elected, how many other ‘confidential’ payments can we expect to hear of going through council?
It is intolerable that unelected officials of the SDRC, who have paid the confidential amount, have the power to deny freedom of information to the newspaper and to the ratepayers who pay their salaries. With these secret payments and secret agreements one really has no choice but to consider that something very untoward is being done by this council.
An old adage is “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear!” It is obvious that the mayor, CEO and perhaps the remainder of the council have something to hide with their secret payments.

D. Taylor