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Noted a reply from Councillor West in response to letter from Peter Harmond where he had no hesitation to confirming the continual failures of our council for quite some time. Thank you for confirming these points Mr West.
Your reply appears to fully support just why we need a lot of new councillors and of course less of them to represent us here in the Tenterfield Shire.
After all, one councillor to 425 voters is ridiculous. However, with concern Mr West, we read in your reply a calender of events of past failures by council. I believe we here in Tenterfield already know of all these problems.
I will however point out to you there was nothing in your reply which let us know any agenda or platform that both you and Mr Yates represented.
This was a perfect opportunity for your reply to set forth just what you have, or tried to achieve in another four-year term. This way, we in the community know what you stand for and it would certainly give us hope councillors are working for us for the future, not just arguing over old wounds. Would you not agree?
Again we all here in the Tenterfield Shire need to think, do we want, as we need, new representation in our shire? We need to stand up and advise our councillors what we need, not the other way around. They represent us and should listen to our concerns, thoughts and advice.
Please, Tenterfield Shire voters and possible new councillors, get involved for the future. Before the next elections, think seriously about what we need and what our concerns are. In particuar, our youth regarding their education, social and employment concerns. Have your representative who nominates in your ward set forth to you personally their agendas and, if they fail to do so, or fail to reach a standard, do not elect them. If we do, we are stuck with them for another four years.

Trevor Hardie QPM