Let your light shine

The so-called “Earth Hour” is again upon us. We are told that people all over the planet will switch off their lights in support of this event. Even the international space station has “seen the light” and will join the forces of darkness. Disturbingly, many governments have agreed to participate. I say disturbingly because Earth Hour, contrary to their propaganda, has nothing to do with the earth, but everything to do with ideology.
Earth Hour Inc is an initiative of WWF (World Wildlife Fund), and the target of their crusade is the electric light bulb – Edison’s great invention – that epitomises the ingenuity of mankind. Earth Hour despises such inventiveness and would take us back to a primitive Dark Age without electricity and incandescent lights.
It is the Green ideology that underpins Earth Hour, and those who participate in it, whether they are individuals, businesses, or governments, are casting their vote in support of this agenda. When you join in with Earth Hour you are casting a vote in support of environmentalism, socialism, humanism, atheism, evolutionism, global warming catastrophism, misanthropy, vegetarianism, abortion, population control, homosexuality, multiculturalism, suppression of free speech, gun control and a one world government.
So if you endorse that ideology, by all means switch off your lights for Earth Hour. But if you believe in the freedoms and values that this great nation was founded upon, then I say let your lights shine for Earth Hour.
At least you presently have a choice. You can be sure that in the near future, non-compliance with Earth Hour will be a criminal offence.

Brendon Dunn