New face, same problems

In the Queensland State election the ALP has been slaughtered. No one would have dreamed that the ALP’s defeat would have been so total. Premier Newman easily won the seat of Ashgrove.
But it was the people of Queensland that are the real losers in this election. No matter who won at the March 24 poll; it was the electorate that lost.
Queensland has a new Premier and a new administration but little of substance will change.
Taxes and licensing fees will remain as they are or go higher, we will still be drinking fluoridated water, “safety” legislation will stay the same, council amalgamations will NOT be rescinded, coal seam gas mining will continue, we will see more legislation put in place to restrict individual freedoms, and the list could go on.
Essentially, the problem lies with the people who are both ignorant of current events and of history itself. Most are self seekers who care only about their own selfish interest but not where the State and Nation are heading.
The name above the Premier’s office has changed but the rest will remain the same. After enduring a few years of LNP administration the pendulum will swing back to the ALP as the electorate is unable to think beyond the two party system.

Jay Nauss