Centenary update

I am hoping you permit me some space in your publication to advise the community of an important update concerning the upcoming Warwick State High School Centenary Celebrations occurring May 4 – 6.
On the evening May 5 there are celebratory dinners planned. Patrons were to submit their registration and payment for these dinners by April 6. As most people have now realised (the committee included), that was Good Friday. In view of this oversight, the registration and payment time has been extended until April 20. So – please continue to register!
The High School office is currently closed until return of school April 16. You can mail your form and payment to P.O. Box 67 Warwick Q 4370. The forms can be printed off the school website www.warwickshs.eq.edu.au. You will notice the date on the form is April 20 – we just forgot to change all the places where the date was printed. Sorry for any inconvenience caused and please spread the word. If you would like any further information about the centenary, please feel free to contact me on
0417 761 739.
Janet Reid
WSHS P & C Centenary Committee