Money not everything

We are all searching for that ‘pot of gold’, it will be the answer to our longings; at every level we have been told that to be financially healthy in our security. This mindset brings many undone and life ends because it’s just too hard; the bills keep coming and there’s not enough to go ‘round.’ Both scenarios are real, the former so often unsettled and still searching for “just another dollar” while the latter in many cases have come to live within their means, finding a good balance.
I also enjoy some of this ‘good life’ but it’s so fleeting and at times very shallow. There is a way of living that far exceeds the thrill of winning lotto; the excitement of a promotion, the best job, double wages etc. During my adult life I have come to know the God of creation; my parents believe a godly upbringing was a good thing; church and Sunday school were regular events in our family and I’m so pleased they made that choice. Joy is real and there is a thrill and contentment I find nowhere else but in Jesus the source of Life. He is God come in the flesh and He loves people. Just two things will last forever, no three; God, man and Love. The pursuit of more money for stuff will, in most cases, weigh us down and produce fear. There is no fear in love. God bless you.

Julie McFetridge