Real promise

The upcoming council election is getting serious with candidates attending forums in Stanthorpe and Warwick. They were hit with a barrage of questions and some contenders’ demonstrated that they weren’t all that au fait with their answers. But we must remember, for many, it is the first time they have indulged in the game of politics and it takes time to become a smooth talker without being too committal.
Candidates assure us that they will be able to move mountains once they get elected and are making promises that might be difficult to make good.
Some candidates are spending loads of money to tell us the “good” things they will do for us once elected.
One promise that I would like for them to make, and would cost them nothing and at the same time prove their integrity,would be to promise that if they can’t achieve the things they have promised in their first twelve months on council they will tender their resignation.
If any had the courage to make that commitment, I would say, “There goes a person worthy of the office of councillor.”

Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin