What’s wrong with Coal Seam Gas? Everything!

Every gas well is a gross polluter affecting human health. Typical gas well pollutants have shown to include BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). All these substances affect the respiratory system. 25 per cent are carcinogenic; 37 per cent affect the endocrine system; 52 per cent affect the nervous system and 40 per cent affect the immune system.
There is no safe disposal method of these chemicals or the massive amount of salt that is produced. Camden, south of Sydney is a disaster. Just Google “Foaming Coal Seam Gas Well” and see the well spraying chemicals into the air as close as 400m from homes and 100m from an open water supply. As recently as last week, April 10, a report from the NSW Government said it suspected Arrow Energy of dumping chemically infused mud from CSG exploration at an undisclosed site on the Northern Rivers. The report also said on a recent audit of 44 coal and petroleum exploration licences found Arrow Energy had created significant environmental risk through non-compliance with the conditions of its licence.
I applaud the NSW farmers, conservationists, wine growers, horse breeders, Stop CSG groups, GetUp, the NCC, plus the Country Women’s Association who will be descending on Sydney on May 1st to protest the NSW Government’s failure to control Coal Seam Gas and all other irresponsible mining. Santos, Arrow Energy, AGL and all CSG companies have no place in OUR Australia!

Rob Noonan
via email