Ergon stalling on power line project

As a landholder and a community member, I have attended both community forums on this project. I accepted Ergon Energy’s offer of community consultation.
As we know, Ergon is a government-owned corporation. Ergon’s commitment of being open, honest and frank with the community on this project is very questionable indeed. The Project Team provides the same old spin on the project. My questions of three months ago remain unanswered.
An Executive General Manager in Ergon’s management team now passes the buck and stalls the process further. It is alleged the Community Reference Group [CRG] will now respond to my questions. The CRG?
Has the CRG been formed? No!
Has there been a formal meeting to form a CRG since it was first mooted in early March? No!
Another three or four months or longer to wait for an answer? No thank you Ergon.
Ergon commenced this project. Why does Ergon now refuse to accept its responsibility to respond to questions from the community?
The Powerline project effects landholders in the Warwick and Stanthorpe area.
Ergon Energy has continually avoided one question after another.
There is one major question Ergon continually avoids.
Is Ergon Energy’s management prepared to state, categorically, that no person, adult or child, will be effected by electronic magnetic fields emanating from existing or any proposed power line?

Allen Kehoe