Speaker Scandal

Scandal continues to rock the precarious position of PM Julia’s administration. There is the on going Craig Thompson saga and now to cap it off, House Speaker, Peter Slipper is accused of sexual harassment. Despite these serious problems Julia continues to give loyalty to these people.
What else can she do? If she were to sack them then her tenuous hold on government would be in jeopardy and her administration would topple and off to the polls we would go. Events are happening so quickly that there soon will not be time to find a replacement leader to lead the ALP to the next poll. Consequently, Julia will be the one to lead the troops into the no won battle to retain government.
If there was a federal election BEFORE a new leader can be found, Julia’s administration would go down to the biggest defeat in Commonwealth history. Time is fast running out for an acceptable leader to be found to lead the ALP to the next election. Julia may be forced to lead her troops into the final catastrophic battle.

Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin