Alienating homosexuals

Denigration of gay people needs to stop. While the gay lobby appears confident and aggressive, many gay individuals continue to find themselves alienated. Gay marriage is the wrong answer, however. Gay couples already have the same rights as de factos. It would be sad if it becomes discrimination to suggest a child is best with a good mother and father. The response needed is for each of us to respect our fellow humans, each made in God’s likeness, and to respect God who created gender and family in the first place.
Good to see that poker machine reform is back on the agenda. What a shame that politics is so influenced by advertising campaigns like the Clubs lobby. Clubs are great but this is the dark side: services subsidised from the misfortune of gambling addicts. Why not slow it down so I only lose $50 an hour rather than $1000. We’ll pay extra for our meals and our daughters’ netball shirts but we’ll know it’s a small price to pay to help the partners and kids of addicted gamblers. Jesus said “It’s more blessed to give than receive”.
It is good that we have penalty rates for work done on Sundays and holidays. Each time trading hours are extended the consumer gets more choice, shops get more business BUT employees lives get more messed up. It is good that we preserve a day of rest in our society’s week, and it is good that we mark some holy days for reflection. Our Maker gave us the sabbath as a gift – the good gift of rest. Society abandons times of rest to our corporate and individual detriment.

(Rev) Ken Fenton
Anglican Minister
Trinity Anglican Church
Port Macquarie