Election liability

It’s on again! PM Julia’s leadership is under a cloud. The polls displaying the ALP’s popularity continue to skyrocket downwards; the ALP “troops” are getting nervous and see Julia as an electoral liability.
Julia is adamant that she will be leading the ALP forces into battle at the next election. And so she should too.
Anna the Brave of Qld fame had the chance to cut and run long before her electoral defeat but she stayed the course to the bitter end displaying courage and resoluteness in the face of adversity.
Sure, Julia has made unpopular decisions which have cost the ALP faltering popularity but if she is true to her beliefs she ought to stay the course, and be there for the people to make their decision concerning her Prime Ministership, when the next federal election is called.
Julia has said she will be there when the poll takes place so let us encourage her to remain true to her word despite the many changes and back flips she has made since being PM and even before.
Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin