Help those doing it tough

As we approach the end of the financial year, I would like to remind everyone that June is our last chance to help those doing it tough at the moment, and also get a tax deduction for this financial year. Every local community has someone who is doing it tough every day.
We invite you to support our Doing It Tough Appeal, which will raise much-needed funds so we can continue our everyday work providing vital services and programs for vulnerable people.
Donations to Red Cross are currently 20 per cent lower than expected this financial year and we’re facing a shortfall of almost $8 million in public funding for our day to day work. We are asking the Australian public to dig deep at this critical time.
Red Cross needs your support, not just in times of disaster but throughout the year for our ongoing, everyday work with people and local communities right around Australia.
When you make a tax-deductible gift to the Red Cross Doing It Tough Appeal before June 30, you can be confident your donation will make a real difference to someone near you.
Whether it’s serving breakfast to children who would otherwise go to school hungry, making sure elderly and frail Australians have regular visits or daily phone calls so they can continue to live independently, or helping young people or families who are at risk of homelessness, Red Cross is there.
For more information about how to make a fully tax deductible donation by June 30, call 1800 811 700 or visit

Kevin Keeffe
Executive Director QLD
Australian Red Cross