Continual sacrifice terminated

Bible history sacrifice, since the story of Cain and Able, is replete with the offering to God of sacrifice in appeasement for Adam’s fall from grace, and is referred to in scripture as the “Continual Sacrifice”.
The continual sacrifice was repeated down through the ages by the Israelite nation and, when attacked by its enemies, the altar of sacrifice was the first to be destroyed, because of its spiritual impetus.
The tradition of the Israelite nation was that a divine redeemer of mankind was needed as the perfect sacrifice, to find favour once again with his creator, and Jesus Christ of the Israelite tribe of Juda fulfilled that prophesy by being sacrificed on Calvary’s Cross.
Before dying however, He instituted the mythical sacrifice (“do this in memory of Me”) on an altar with Peter the Fisherman and Apostles as a priesthood offering the perfect spiritual ‘continual sacrifice’ known as the Ancient Venerable Ritual of the Mythical Sacrifice of the Altar, to be offered up till the end of time.
A humanised Eucharistic offering replaced the spiritual impetus of the ‘Continual Sacrifice’ with a Minister of the Eucharist man-centred supper on a table, with back to the Altar of Sacrifice, terminating the Priesthood and the Continual Sacrifice, caused by Papal lapse into the heresy of Modernism, apostacing from 2000 years tradition.

Jim Shanks
Byron Bay