‘A recent survey says . . .’

I am absolutely aghast that there are comparisons made between Marriage for People and Marriage for People to Animals. I have to ask the question – what other sick and twisted depravities go through the mind of a person who makes such statements? Seriously, THIS is why there are so many gay suicides in our generation … for fear of being compared this way.
To my next point (and I do have one) I decided to put the powers of Google to use as I tried desperately to find these surveys and studies that show such dastardly and condemning results as was stated by someone in a recent issue of the SFT and to my surprise (not really, I expected it) there are just as many or even more studies that refute the evidence on adverse effects on homosexuality and also whather it is a lifestyle choice or not (please feel free to Google these findings for yourself as I do not expect you to take my word as gospel).
What this means is that it doesn’t matter what one person says or believes, because there will always be an infinite number of studies and surveys to prove (or disprove) the argument of the person(s) doing the research or presenting the findings at the time.
I feel compelled to remind everyone that this is never more true than when it comes to the Holy Bible itself. A book that was not handed to man by the hand of God himself, or (to quote a very good movie) arrive via fax, but a book that was gathered by men and written by men and also has its message delivered by men. I remember from my time in church myself growing up and also through bible studies and reading passages in the good book and hearing “What this passage says is….” and right there it is open to interpretation again. Fine for some and not others but I will not condemn either way.
I am well aware that I will probably be verbally flogged for the statements I have made here but what it all comes down to is – why should the choices made by one loving couple make any difference to you and your life? To say it will destroy the pillar of marriage is a very broad statement that cannot be justified because everyone’s situation is completely different. All marriages have the capacity to be “destroyed” and should be treated according to their own merits.
I would like to see where writers are giving credits to their research with reference to the authors or universities and the year (for relevance) they were produced so that I might deliver my own interpretations of these documents or find other documents and present them in opposition to your findings. After all, ANYONE can make up figures to support their facts with a moment’s notice by simply saying “A recent survey”.
Let’s not forget the fact that, without supporting evidence of statements, surveys, polls or studies, EVERYTHING written here is nothing more than the views expressed by the writer of the letter making these bold statements and/or accusations. I will say that 100 per cent of people I asked (there were six of them) agree that more than 93 per cent of on the spot survey results “quoted” were made up.

Neil Briscoe