Apply for funds

I’d like to encourage local not-for-profit groups to consider applying for a federal Volunteer Grant of between $1000 and $5000.
The Volunteer Grants, formerly known as the Volunteer Small Equipment Grants, were an initiative of the Liberal-Nationals Howard Government in 2003 and have helped many, many local groups achieve more for their local community over the years.
Local volunteers do great local work and so it is good to see an opportunity for them to receive grants which can be used for things like purchasing a computer or helping with fuel costs.
The easiest way to apply is online. Go to and click on “Volunteer Grants 2012”.
If you need any assistance please contact my electorate office on 1300 734 681.
Applications close on July 25 and successful applicants should receive their funding in November.

Fiona Nash
Deputy Leader of the Nationals in the Senate