Dear Jay

I read with interest your comments regarding your Jet-setting Carr column. You must sit at home daily and gather ill informed information to be presented without facts at all which is of course your opinion. I accept your right to an opinion, however it’s the naivety and lack of all informed facts about it that gets to me.
Here we have an apparent opinion on a wasted diplomatic trip by our Foreign Minister ( whom I might add was in the region anyway.) to diplomatically talk with his counterparts in Libya on behalf of an Australian citizen, which we expect. If reports are correct, Taylor was detained because she over stepped her mark in relation to whether Gaddafi’s son who is charged with war crimes, should be tried in the Hage and not in Libya. Nothing more, nothing less, with no conspiracy theory.
As for Assange, you stated he is wanted on trumped up charges in Sweden.
Is this from personal knowledge or just again your opinion on lack of fact. Tell the young women and their families in Sweden that Assange should not go back and front the very serious allegations of sexual offences and rape. He completely denies these charges, however he is responsible to at least face the charges if correct and suffer his punishment if proven guilty. If he was here in Australia facing extradition we to have a right to extradite him if that procedure is proven. Assange lived in a foreign country and allegedly abused their laws and must now go back to face those charges as approved by the courts. Assange has faced every Court in England trying to fight the extradition without success and now tries to flee justice. In my opinion he is not afraid of America as you say, which has been confirmed by the Jet setting Carr; they don’t want him but in fact it appears more probable he is guilty of the offences and does not want to do his punishment for that. If you support that idea you are not only ill informed with lack of knowledge but a hypocrite too.
Please Jay Nauss, unless you have comments to offer with constructive narrative supported by facts of the truth, don’t bother to write in again.

Trevor Hardie