Watch for hoaxes

Regarding the recent letter in the Free Times from John Salata (“True Blue Support”), I was really appalled at the paranoia being promoted through the misinformation spread about refugees.
Apparently there have been hoax emails circulating that provide the wrong idea that refugees get more Centrelink allowances than Australian citizens.
If you care to check the facts from the refugee council ( the website states: “A refugee who has permanent residency in Australia receives exactly the same social security benefit as any Australian-born person in the same circumstances.”
In many cases a refugee would receive less than the average pensioner. And if you think the government is just covering up the ‘real’ story then perhaps you will believe finance guru David Koch in his blog that puts some of the myths to rest. (
Please, let’s not show the world that we are all a bunch of narrow-minded racists.

Susan Johnstone