Wrong blue

What is so wrong John, is you writing a complete false letter and referring to wrong facts. I laughed when I read that Illegal Immigrants receive government funds? It is completely wrong when you said illegal immigrants receive more than our pensioners. When caught,  they are deported immediately. When visitors overstay their visa, they become illegal and they’re deported too and not allowed to reapply for entry for three years.
As for refugees without any choice of their own they enter this country through the UN convention and Australia take 17,000 per year from around the world on humanitarian grounds. They are assessed somewhere else and are probably trained professionals etc. What’s wrong with them receiving funds if, for some reason, they find themselves unemployed or need training. We have built Australia on migrants for a very very long time and I might add not all migrants that have entered legally are Australian citizens, however they work and pay taxes and receive pensions.
If you are thinking the boat people as we call them are illegal, yes I agree but they are processed off shore and do not receive a tempory protection visa to enter Australian mainland. Yes we spend money on them to house them at offshore locations but they do not receive any government funds or pension. Again the UN convention requires us legally to house and care for them until assessed by the UN.
I can’t find anywhere on the Government web site today 25/7 regarding the alleged figures you produced. They are either rumors you heard or a figment of someone’s imagination. So I will reveal exactly what it is and it might open your eyes to think a bit more. By the way, pensions are paid fortnightly not weekly
A single aged pensioner/disablity pensioner receives $755.00 plus max $120 rent if applicable. That’s $19,643.00 plus. A couple aged pension receives $1139.00 plus max $120 rent if applicable. That’s $29,614.00 plus. Illegal Immigrants  ZERO.
Refugees accepted as UN intact to Australia should be entitled to some sort of income to assist and they receive the same as unemployed ONLY looking for work. If both husband and wife are  seeking  work they too are allowed an income exactly as us true blue aussies as you say.
After all they have come here to become just that and contribute. Bloody good on them. What they receive is Newstart  $489.70. plus max $120 for rent if applicable for one householder only. They do not receive what you call a Hardship allowance weekly – that one’s a real furfy. For this they have to attend job seeking, courses and work voluntarily for two days weekly or it’s cut off. Single that’s $12,732.20, couples  $25,464.40. These are  far less than the pensioner single/couples
What I think is, you should not comment and produce facts that are false and scare monger. If it was not for the Labor Government, pensioners would be at least $100 a F/N worse off. Thanks to them at least pensioners are getting pay rises every six (6) months. This is unlike the Howard Government that starved them for some 11 years, just ask them. Think about it John.
Trevor Hardie