Election time

I, like many other concerned rate paying members of the community, am angry and unhappy with many unaddressed shire council issues, especially those concerning dysfunctional, arrogant and disrespectful council representation, combined with irresponsible, incompetent senior council management of the much reported shire waste management debacle and the displayed maladministration and council coverup.
This council has been lacking in true leadership and community consultation in conjunction with unproductive and insignificant ratepayer funded junkets.
It has displayed to the whole shire community that there was no constant understanding of the council’s strategic direction. A dysfunctional council solely focused on ‘in house’ power play battles regardless of specific and significant basic wants and needs of the whole shire community,
I am putting up my hand as a candidate in the September 8 elections, hoping that a new team of focused community caring councillors can be elected and formed by a leader with spine, into a driving force and think tank prepared to listen to the whole shire community, addressing community needs and bring back unity and confidence unfortunately now lacking and seize on missed opportunities.
‘Your Vote is Your Voice’, be heard, I Listen.

Graham Foan