De-amalgamation? What interest?

There has been a lot of uninformed commentary by media, councillors, mayors and others on the expense of de-amalgamation, yet none of them have a figure because they simply don’t have one.
We have been given the opportunity by the government to see if it is possible to de-amalgamate our council – to return our shires. Both Warwick and Stanthorpe voters in 2008 recognised en masse that amalgamation was a bad idea forced on us by State Government which would do anything to reduce their costs and pass them on to ratepayers. The resulting four years of amalgamation here and elsewhere have shown clearly that there are no economic advantages in the current arrangement.
The first step in the new process is to obtain voter sentiment by August 29 – ie, do you want to continue or to return our shires. This process does not cost us anything (other than the effort of a dedicated few to stand in the street with a petition or display one in their shop). The purpose of this is to find out how much it will cost compared to the current ongoing cost. By not signing, we are ensuring that we will never know.
If we do get at least 20 per cent of voters’ signatures, approx 1600 Stanthorpe and about 2000 Warwick and our submissions indicate that we believe that our ‘shires’ are still viable and sustainable as they previously were, the government will then determine whether that is so and what costs will apply.
If we don’t, the minister and the Boundaries Com-missioner will not look at the issue any further and we will never know.
There is huge interest in the petitions, so we must assume that means people would like to know the facts, whether we will be financially viable and sustainable. Surely that means they deserve to know. Yet there are also people who were (and still are) vehemently opposed to the amalgamation but who believe there is little point in seeking de-amalgamation because “we will never get our money back. It will cost us too much to go back”; so let’s find out by telling the government via lots of signatures that we want them to determine whether it is a good proposition or otherwise.
In Warwick, petitions are available at the Dalveen Post Office, Wood Street Look Saddlery of Phil and Sharon Barker who can advise who else in Warwick area has them (eg, Laurie Daggs Killarney, Mrs Morris at Allora, Tony Symonds Karara, Graham and Maggie Stokes in Goomburra, Brett Rostron at Leyburn). They would like other people and shops to volunteer urgently to have a petition, as time is running out.
In the Stanthorpe area, there are petitions at Stanthorpe Rural, Stanthorpe Mitre Ten, Stanthorpe Newsagency, Pierpoint Motors, St Vincents Op Shop, Bendigo Bank, Patti’s Home Décor (Plaza), Office Smart, Café Lorenzo’s, Lancuba’s, Sutton’s Cidery, Summit Store, Sam’s Summit Fruit, Ballandean Store, Glen Aplin Post Office, Wallangarra Store, McDonalds Applethorpe and more. Volunteers are also petitioning in the Piazza and at the Post Office on certain week days.
These people want to help the community and deserve your support. Please give them your courtesy.
Take the first step, find a petition and sign it before it’s too late.

Bob Johnson
Chartered Chemical Engineer, Member Institute Engineers Aust, Member Institution Chemical Engineers London.
BSc (UQ), BE Chem (UQ), MBA (incomplete)
Via email