No favour

I can’t believe Trevor Hardie of “Wrong Blue” actually thinks the Labor Government is doing us pensioners any favours with increases. Believe me, we only got one in the last year and it wasn’t very much. Typical of a Labor voter to put all blame on the previous government. The previous government did not starve pensioners at all and I would be very interested to see if Trevor Hardie actually is a pensioner himself.
Pensioners have always gotten increases no matter who was in power. But we don’t get enough. I wish Julia and her boyfriend had to live on what we do and also pay exorbitant rates as well.
No, Trevor, we don’t thank them for anything, just wish they were no longer around. After all, the track record of their party in Queensland is abysmal, which is why our state ended up broke. Now the premier has to find ways to get us back in the black again.
Do yourself a favour, Trevor and pull your head out of the sand!

Mrs Kay Jackson