Not very beautiful

I just wanted to say how disappointed I was with the large amount of rubbish I collected from the side of the Centenary Highway on Clean up Australia Day this year.
With Keep Australia Beautiful Week coming up and with the amount of rubbish littered along our roads and highways, it seems that a lot of people don’t think about it and many people still aren’t getting the message.
My friends and I always put our rubbish in the bin, so I don’t understand why others don’t, or why adults driving in cars throw their rubbish outside instead of taking it home to put in their bin. We are lucky to live in one of the most beautiful states in the world, but treat it like a rubbish tip. And with the other big environmental problems we face, keeping litter off our streets is one of the easiest things we can do to protect the environment.
It’s simple and is something everyone can do. Please do the right thing and help keep Australia beautiful by always putting your rubbish in a bin. It’s that easy.
Do you want a clean planet or a dirty planet….pick one.

Georgia Taylor (Age 12)
Keep Australia Beautiful LITTLE Committee QLD Representative
Sinnamon Park