Posing the question

To do or not to do! That is the question. De-amalgamation of the Shire from our dear friends in Warwick is now the talk of Stanthorpe.
Money, or the lack of it, could put the kybosh on any move to separate. If Warwick can’t raise the numbers, by petition, the Stanthorpe ratepayers will have to pay the separation costs of both sides.
Government subsidies to the Southern Downs Shire are set to reduce from $8.5 million, a year, to $500,000. This is the council estimate for each year to 2020.
Can-do Newman is finding out that, under our debt system, there is much he can’t do.
The whole world is in massive debt to the BIG banking families. If all the money in the world was rounded up, it would only pay a fraction of the debt.
All this debt money has been created out of nothing by the modern banking system.
Can-do could change Queensland’s situation by using debt-free money created by a State Bank.
Unless the current growth of debt is halted, future generations will continue to face massive debt, and the BIG bankers will own everything,
That was the original plan; the use of debt was designed to eventually lead to a One World Dictatorship — now called the New World Order. But is it really new?
Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin