Short changed

Congratulations to the Free Times for ‘Opposition short-changes Qld’ (2.08.12). There have been very few references to this story in the big city media. $1.25 billion in funds was lost or written off in the deal between the Labor Government and IBM on the health payroll system.
It is easier to have an idea of the sum of money involved if you remember that there have not been one million days since Our Lord walked on earth two thousand years ago, and a billion is one thousand million.
That is a shocking amount of money to lose and one would think, if Annastacia Palaszczuk cared a button about Queensland, she would do everything in her power to help the present Government recover some of this money.
Health workers seem to be a singularly unfortunate group of people. They have the payroll system nightmare here, as well as the wretched saga of Craig Thompson, Bruce Wilson et al down south. They need someone to stand up for them. The unions won’t do it – they are too busy protecting past and present union executives on one hand and blasting Campbell Newman for sackings brought about by a lack of government funds on the other.

Rowan Shann