Times change

on some of the letters that appeared in the Free Times for August 9th.
The first letter was by a Charles Gaitskell of Stanthorpe under the heading of “Honest Government”. Well did Charles get it wrong or was it meant to be sarcastic where the Federal Government is or was concerned. If so congratulations Charles a good one so keep it up.
The second letter “Election Time” by Graham Foan. Well Graham it would seem to me that no matter whether it was the Local Government, State or Federal Government the individual that vote in will represent a political party not you. So the best of luck here Graham.
The third letter was “Forsaken Promise” by Steven Harrison of Killarney. While I cannot say much about the “Girl Guides” except that it followed on from the “Boy Scouts” and I believe that this was the result of a suggestion by – if my memory serves me correctly Rudyard Kipling and brought into existence by Lord Baden Powell and I believe that there is or could be versions of their organisations worldwide. Circumstances change. As for your comment about “Republicanism” regrettably there pushing this agenda did not know what they wanted. Anyhow had it succeeded I somehow doubt it would have gone through. Over the monarchy, I would have thought survival of such organizations would be dependent upon membership.
As per the letters number 4 “Return our Shires” by Bob Johnson. Oh what a screw up. Well Bob the best of luck but somehow I believe that at the present time you might find it easier to unscramble eggs.
Enough said for now.

Graham Muirhead