Threat of amalgamation

Many people realise that amalgamation of shires often has a very negative impact on local residents.
The promises of a more efficient and more economical provision of local services rarely come true, and we now see a major effort for Warwick and Stanthorpe to be de-amalgamated.
Tenterfield Shire faces the same threat of being absorbed into neighbouring councils and losing its identity, and its local control of local issues.
A united team of councillors working together to oversee a realistic and practical programme to manage the shire’s needs will be a major component in avoiding the threat of losing the shire altogether.
All those voting in this week’s council elections hold the future of the shire in their hands. For Tenterfield to survive as an entity we need to vote in candidates who will put their personal interests to one side and work together as ten representatives whose primary motivation is to contribute as best they can to the team of which they are a part.
A cohesive council will help Tenterfield survive and prosper, but divisive councillors will become a major nail in the coffin awaiting the remains of  councils who have been swallowed up by amalgamation.

Peter Robinson