Election’s good results

Well we can see from the Electoral Commission’s website update on Monday at approx 80 per cent of votes counted, that we as a shire and town of Tenterfield have spoken very loudly and clearly where we want to go and voted the way of the future forward in the NSW Council Election.
We have also said very clearly to the NSW State Government we don’t want amalgamation and to be eaten up. That was very clearly displayed in no uncertain terms by:
1. A very strong voter turnout at all booths over the wards.
2. Strong support to the very good current sitting Councillors that are good for the shire as a whole.  Except for one in D ward that has gone down. Obviously D ward and the town decided enough was enough. Congratulation to Carol Shipmann and Don Forbes for your good results.
Remember all elected councillors, at the meet the candidates evening you all pledged to forget the past and move forward with a strong and united Council. And if you don’t, the warnings are there as the people have had a say and made a strong mandate for that to occur, so don’t let us down.
I can now see with the leadership of Ms Jackson our shire GM and her team in council together with the re- and newly-elected Councillors the future looks very very bright for Tenterfield Shire.

Trevor Hardie