Thanks for support

On behalf of “Return Our Shire” I would like to thank everyone for their magnificent support for the petition held recently regarding De-Amalgamation. Over 30% per cent of Stanthorpe people signed it.
To the businesses who promoted the petitions in their premises, a big thank you. A wonderful effort all round.
The petition, together with the submission, was presented to the Department of Local Government and a copy was also presented to our local Member, the Hon Lawrence Springborg.
The document will be made public once the Minister and Boundaries Commission have examined it. We just have to wait now to know if we will proceed to the next step, which will be a vote for the people who live within the boundaries of the old Stanthorpe Shire, the de-amalgamating shire. This will be known by the end of November with the poll to be held by 31/3/13.
The northern part of SDRC did not prepare a submission nor get the required 20 per cent of signatures in a petition and therefore will not be eligible to vote.

Sue Johnson