The Charge at Beersheba 1917

October 31, 2012 will mark the 95th anniversary of the amazing charge at Beersheba by the Australian Light Horse. This opened the way for the surrender of Jerusalem to British Forces on December 9, 1917. Few would be aware today that, in the 1880s, at least two books were published that predicted this dramatic turn of events in Jerusalem at this very time. One of these was ‘The Fulness of The Nations’ by Dr H Aldersmith, MB London., FRCS first published in 1889.
For 42 years, Dr Aldersmith was the Resident  Medical Officer at Christ’s Hospital School in  West Sussex, England. Dr Aldersmith believed that the British people were the descendants of The House of Israel who, after being finally overwhelmed by the Assyrian Empire in 721 BC, were deported to the region around the southern shores of the Caspian Sea.  In his book, Dr Aldersmith maintains that the House of Israel must not be confused with the House of Judah or the Jews. After the collapse of the Assyrian Empire in 605 BC, the captive peoples began a centuries-long migration by various routes, and under the guise of many different names, to ultimately settle in North West Europe and the British Isles.
It  is interesting to note how Dr Aldersmith chose the year 1917 for the end of four centuries of Turkish rule over Palestine. He believed that a period of 2520 years would pass from the overthrow of the House of Judah and Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzer and the army of Babylon. This period is called ‘Seven Times’ in the Old Testament Book of Leviticus. A ‘Time’ as shown in the Book of Revelation, is 360 days. Seven of these ‘Times’ equals 2520 days. So how did the days become years? Because this is a period of punishment. In the Book of Numbers, when most of the men who searched out the Promised Land for forty days gave a fearful report about the inhabitants, Israel refused to enter therin, and because of this lack of faith they were made to wander through the desert for forty years. A year for each day.
Dr Aldersmith, and others at the time, believed they were eye witnesses to this 2520 years of punishment in regard to The House of Israel.  As mentioned, after many crushing blows, what remained of Israel finally fell to The Assyrian Empire in 721 BC. Throughout the Bible there were many promises regarding the future of Israel. (Again, not to be confused with The House of Judah or the Jews.) The descendants of Israel were to become: ‘A nation and company of nations.’ ‘Spread abroad to the west, the east, the north and the south.’ ‘Posses the gates (strategic passes) of their enemies.’  To become, ‘As a lion among the beasts of the forest.’   Simply put – to become the wealthiest and most powerful nations on earth. These promises (and many others also) were known as ‘The Birthright.’
For Israel the ‘Seven Times’, or 2520 years punishment, (withholding of the birthright), ended in the year 1800. So it happened that at this very time in history, ‘a nation and company of nations’, springing from the same fountain-head, became The British Empire, then later, The Commonwealth of Nations and The United States of America.
In regard to Jerusalem, Dr Aldersmith  wrote on page 153 of his book (1898 edition),  “The great seven times may not have commenced till after the battle of Carchemish, and the accession of Nebuchadnezzar, BC604 ….this period  (2520 years) may end about 1917!  Time only will show.”
It appears that this daring charge at Beersheba by the Australians was never going to fail. Those blokes did not know that though, as they charged into history. Something interesting also, considering where this occurred. Beginning with the day of the charge (October 31), to the surrender of Jerusalem (December 9) is exactly 40 days. Makes you wonder about the old story of the Australians trying to read the badly damaged road sign to Beersheba. They thought it said: ‘Beerandsheilas three miles,’ and this is what precipitated the charge.  Maybe not. Could be that The God of Israel keeps His word after all.

Richard Ibbett