Done, can’t be undone

When council amalgamation was set up by Beattie/Bligh it was never meant to be undone. The criteria is such to make it almost impossible to do so. A lot of resources and energy was spent by a lot of good people to find this out. Even the five shires that will move on to the next level of the de-amalgamation process will experience failure in their endeavour.
Those who fought hard to get the LNP elected are fast finding out that there is little difference between them and those they replaced. They are also discovering there is no such thing as democracy. It is an elusive dream used by the manipulators to achieve THEIR objectives with little regard for the people.
Can-do Newman, who started his Premiership with such high hopes, is walking in fear of being replaced. The sacking of public servants isn’t going down well with the back benchers.
Generally, are things really that much better under the new State administration? The fundamentals remain the same.
How long will it take for people to realise that the two-party system is one head on both sides of the coin? Until the electorate awakens and stops supporting either side, nothing is likely to change.

Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin