Assange’s fate

The people’s voices say they have lost confidence and respect for both government and opposition over their failure to assist Julian Assange. The 4-Corners program clearly showed the women involved saying they had consensual sex before and after the police twisted their words to make it appear Assange had committed a pseudo crime. As he has no charges against him and at this point he is totally innocent, the Australian government must call the Swedish Ambassador in and tell them to stop the rot and harassment of our citizen, go and interview Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy— if you do not we will expel your diplomats and close the embassy; we will not have our citizens who have no charges against them treated like this.
The same words need to be given to the UK Ambassador, and if necessary close both embassies; the government and opposition need to show some guts and integrity on the world stage and genuine care and concern for our citizens aboard. The Australian people are disgusted at the politicians inability to show leadership and protection of our citizens—our soldiers fought and died on the world stage for the dignity and protection of our citizens that politicians now prostitute.

G J May