Define marriage

A person whose background I am not familiar with urged me recently to write to the print media about the current “Definition of Marriage” issue. This once again highlights the need for the silent majority to fearlessly and publicly voice their concerns about the undermining of our God-given standards and values by the vocal minority.
We should thank God that, in Australia following Federal Parliament’s decision, the definition of marriage remains unchanged as “a union between one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntary entered into for life”.
May we not forget that God our Creator made Adam and Eve and instituted the complementary marriage relationship between the first man and woman (Ge.2:22-24). He has not changed His plan for the committed and secure expression of our sexuality which results in mankind’s benefit and blessing.
The family unit, as created by God, consists of a loving father and mother and their children (Ge.1:27, 28). We must not allow our children to be exposed to the dangers of the latest social experiment. They have the right to be raised in a normal environment as planned by our loving and purposeful Creator. Humanism’s godless outlook will only result in darkness, heartache, emptiness and loss – now and for eternity (Ro.1:18-32).
It is time to repent of our disobedience and rebellion against our Creator God and his Word the Bible. We are then promised forgiveness as we put our faith and trust in Jesus as our only Savior and Lord. New life in Christ is the result (2 Co.5:17-21).

Peter Wiggans