Power venom

The arrival of the first sample of power bills since the “No carbon tax promise”,  will surely not be all against him but, when Keating made similarly venomous comments from his acidic tongue as an ALP  PM,  hardly a hair was stirred .
Accepting the higher useage due to cold winter and threatened rate rises, power cost here has almost doubled from our previous Bundaberg, using NO additional equipment, and using it less.
Apart from a knowledge deficit, I seriously doubt the AMA recognises death by shame as a risk, though could be part of a mental reaction reflected in cardiac side effects—but she appears able to legitimately claim she did not LIE, NOR have I heard her deny having made that foolish sweeping statement in electoral fervour.
John Howard as PM has been lampooned unduly over what appears to be an incorrect requotation of a report from his Defence chief in the “Children overboard affair”.
Most of his critics, together with himself, no longer occupy a seat in Parliament.
It has created a giant “poor bugger me” groundswell for a very ordinary leader. Malcolm Turnbull made most fitting remarks in the aftermath of the main explosion. This is time for a change in Liberal leaders.

John Seip