Lost their way

I regret to say that the way the Labor Party has changed directions away from the needs of the Australian working class and pensioners, all of whom have served their time earning their living and serving the country, have been out behind the needs of asylum seekers who can never become a part of our culture, so evident in the news every day.
What has happened to the “fair go mate”? Billions of dollars are being side-tracked away from their own people, that will be remembered next election, which is sad for those who gave them Government.
Pensioners are in a desperate situation, having to pay for mental treatment and other health services due to the cost of living skyrocketing through the carbon tax that will inevit-ably make them have to sell their family home and goods to survive till they pass on.
This is not the Australia I was born in and served during World War 2.

Eric Di Losa
Port Macquarie