Veterans helping each other leads to better health for all

Australia’s veterans are a diverse group of men and women, linked by their service to this country. Similarly their health needs, particularly as they age, are also diverse.
One thing we do know is that, by reducing social isolation – spending time with mates or making some new ones – can do wonders for anyone’s mental and physical health.
This Veterans’ Health Week, October 22 to 28, I hope our veterans and war widows will help each other to maintain an active and healthy life.
We’re asking all veterans and war widows to reach out to their friends and acquaintances who may be a bit lonely or isolated, and invite them to take part in the healthy activities on offer around Australia.
Younger veterans who leave the Defence Force no longer have daily contact with their mates at work, or physical or mental health issues could mean they’re not as active as they used to be, making it harder for them to maintain social networks.
They may appreciate someone picking up the phone and inviting them for a day out, a walk outside or to go along to one of the dozens of events on around the country.
Veterans’ Health Week aims to raise awareness and encourage participation in activities that promote the health and wellbeing of veterans, war widows and widowers, and their families and carers. Last year a record 10,000 people took part in events.
While Veterans’ Health Week runs for just one week in October, it’s important that veterans, their families and friends look after themselves year-round. Regular physical activity and social contact are key parts of a healthy lifestyle.
For more information about Veterans’ Health Week and a list of events in your area, visit

Warren Snowdon MP
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs
Minister for Defence Science and Personnel