Religious ceremony

Why do the top echelon of the Christian religion, all dress up like pompous clowns. Example the big dunce’s hat, flowing robes adorned with gold brocade, and carrying a golden staff.
I must have missed the chapter in the bible which described Jesus Christ as so adorned. Or is it a case of “Come in suckers! You, the common herd” what balderdash! And what right do they have to make supposedly profound statements.
Following the Earth-quake and Tsunami in the Indian Ocean (2004) which killed an estimated 300,000, the Anglican Dean of Sydney, Phillip Jensen, was quoted as saying: “It was God’s warning that judgment was nigh”. What poppycock. A frequent local scribe adds his deliverances frequently with gems like: – “God’s love is big enough”. (Example please pastor). Also in the press and on Sunday 21st Oct. 12 from the pulpit, a statement “Jesus is coming”. Excuse me, but he has been coming for 2012 years. Read what he said, starting with “In my Father’s House” etc back then.

Erin Johns