Your Letters

Ratepayers’ money wasted

I agree completely with Jeremy Sollars’ thoughts on the council’s predilection for wasting ratepayers’ money. We do not need a “big anything” edifice in...

Slade for the community

The Slade Lives Again project continues to involve committed people, who are working actively to see that the former Slade School campus remains in...

Carbon dioxide facts

Mr Ed Diery in his letter to SFT (30/6) claims to be a scientist, yet he offers no scientific evidence for his belief in...

It’s time Tenterfield

It’s time Tenterfield. Whatever happened to the voice of the community! It is time to overcome our apathy, stand up for our rights and...

Advance Australia Where?

There are thousands of people who cannot envisage the projected 40,000 gas wells planned for Queensland (Nancy Murphy, SFT June 16). It seems an...

The Dangers of the Evolution Myth

In reply to David Martin (Letters SFT 9/6/11):  For a letter entitled “fact of life”, it contained a surprisingly large proportion of fiction. It...

Take responsibility for your own rubbish

In relation to wheelie bins on a country road – a country setting. I have spent eight years trying to beautify my property and...

The teachings of the Catholic Church

I respond to Liam O’Dea’s challenge in the Free Times, June 23, regarding the dismissal of William Morris as Bishop of Toowoomba. I have...

No-one knows it all

I have been interested to read some of the posturing letters to the editor in your paper recently. It seems to me that the old...

Time to talk about responsibility

We hear a lot about rights these days: human rights … animal rights, particularly after the recent exposure of the barbaric treatment of cattle...

Dismay and sorrow expressed

Ever since the unfair dismissal of Bishop William Morris, of Toowoomba, many Roman Catholics have expressed their dismay and sorrow. They bemoan the fact...

Stamp Duty impost

We know the State Government has severely increased Stamp Duty because it’s strapped for cash. But was the method to obtain the extra money...


Tales from vacation

The big day finally arrived and after spending a couple of days with my sister and meeting my niece Emma’s new baby, Addison Rose,...

A Hallelujah moment