Your Letters

Our fine young Prince William

Three cheers for Melba Morris (SFT 21st April) and her nobly patriotic sentiments regarding our fine young Prince William and his lovely bride; may...

New Political Party announced

With the announcement of the formation of a new Political Party on Sunday, June 5, a chord was struck in the mind of this...

Concern over Coal Seam Gas mining

The following is my contribution to Letters to the Editor section of Southern Free Times and to engender debate and concern at the Coal...

Suggested reading material

I would suggest that Mr Shann, instead of just reading what the Catholic Church publishes should read the book, “The New Testament Documents”, by...

Thank you for your support

On behalf of Stanthorpe Little Theatre, I would like to thank everyone who attended our recent production of “The Cemetery Club”. The public support and...

Ban on live animal exports to Indonesia

After the ABC Four Corners program recently, most horrified viewers would strongly support the RSPCA’s call for an immediate halt to the cattle trade...

Amusing reply

It was with some amusement that I read Mr Nauss’s response to my recent letter; it would be quite difficult to answer his litany...

Born in NSW

Anna Bligh is going on that Campbell Newman was born in Tasmania and that the LNP could not find a Queenslander to lead the...

You’re invited!

On Saturday, July 9, starting with a Church Service at 11am, the congregation of St Augustine’s Anglican Church, Leyburn, is holding a Thanksgiving Celebration...

Getting known

I would like to begin a debate on the Stanthorpe Arts Festival.  When browsing through the webpage of the Southern Downs Regional Council regarding...

Eight mile intersection back in the news

I note this topic is back in the news and a lot of talk about flyovers etc, which seem very expensive and are only...

Please continue your support of Carramar

Thank you for the opportunity to talk, through this publication, about Carramar and Villa Carramar. The Board of Carramar (Stanthorpe) Home for Senior Citizens...


‘Absolute disgrace’: CEO’s sudden axing while on holiday sparks outrage

A former mayor has labelled the Southern Downs Regional Council’s sudden axing of its own chief executive while away on holiday as an “absolute...

A Hallelujah moment